First of all, thank you for visiting my new and improved blog. Secondly, take a sit, listen to my music and tell me what you think. This site is still a work in progress and may vary in the design from time to time.
I kinda like where the theme is going, feels very professional (at least in my eyes) and easy to navigate (so far).
The original theme can be found here . While significantly, the theme itself remains intact, there are some minor changes i made which i think you can tell.
If you are from my old blog stereomanic-blog . I would like to welcome you to this one.
It feels like a new chapter has opened and like my music, i hope to elevate along the way and make something worthwhile to read and hear about. I do hope you find this site interesting as i have making it. I'll keep this short and simple but in the mean time, download "art of distraction" (found in the album downloads) and give me your thoughts.
You can email me:
give me your thoughts, your ideas, your compliments, your hate, whatever, just hit me back.
welcome message