Son Of Age

Showing posts with label light read. Show all posts
Showing posts with label light read. Show all posts

Two days ago, i was checking my inbox when i received an email entitled 
"A letter from June 15th, 2011 from your rapper self". send from futureme. 

This website gives you the chance to send an email to yourself in the near or distant future base d on the settings you choose. At the time i timed the email to be send one day later, when i received it, i decided to set the timer to a year. 

Fast forward to the 16th June, 2012, i completely forgot about futureme and the contents of that email but after reading it, i decided to share it to you all and hopefully you'll try it yourself and share it with the rest of us. 

The following is an e-mail from the past, composed 11 months and 30 days ago, on June 16, 2011. It is being delivered from the past through

Hi future me,
 I do hope you have and please, let's keep it far and away from being classified as 'the roots' carbon copy cause we've never been about that.
I hope you didn't sell out and i hope you didn't use autotune. I hope your guitar playing gets better by now. I hope your lyricism has reached a new level of intensity. i mean i believe we've reached a pretty good level lyrically.
Remember, don't think about the rules, just follow the flow. Be yourself. Don't care what your friends say or tell you about how it's so hard to do this and do that.
 I hope and believe your insights would be better by now and you've reached an international level.
Hey, funny, i just thought of a song. I think you remember? maybe you've wrote it already.
Anyway, since this is public, i hope someone who is reading our personal chat between each other would check out our website.
 let's skip the pleasantries shall we?
As you would know, most of our shared 'life' we wanted to have something to do with the music industry among many of our other ambitious dreams.
Now i am sure you remember a year back your past self (me) wanted to form a rap live band (not group).
I wonder if you've come up with a better rapper name than ''Stereomanic'' (google me) or at least an alter ego that is easier to remember rather than being called ''Stereomaniac'' although that actually sounds nice.
Right now in 2011 we've got roughly 600+ fans so far. i wonder what is the amount now in your time?
Don't forget we've reached far, we've got a really good job and people actually liked our music as we've believed would be the outcome before.
I do hope you stay humble throughout and don't forget man, religion is bad but God is cool.
 I hope and believe your insights would be better by now and you've reached an international level.
Hey, funny, i just thought of a song. I think you remember? maybe you've wrote it already.
Anyway, since this is public, i hope someone who is reading our personal chat between each other would check out our website.
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